Our cheese concepts are developed for different sales channels.
We are convinced that the perfect assortment and high quality products make the fresh cheese department an important instrument for the retail to stand out from the competition.
Food service / gastronomy / industry
Guests and customers from these areas expect high quality, excellent taste, diversity and long shelf life of the products. When it comes to food, we are your ideal partner. We deliver the cheese - not only in combination with bread, but also processed in dishes or as a starter. Especially for the food service, we offer a complete range of European cheese specialities. Thanks to our know-how and our flexibly designed production plant, we are able to offer individual packaging solutions. We work precisely and tailored for each trade form.
Cheese speciality shops
With a wide variety of European cheese specialities, we are the perfect partner for cheese speciality shops. Besides whole rounds and portioned cheese, we also offer perfectly suitable packaging with handmade look, ideal for the use in cheese speciality shops.
Organic food shops
Sustainability and animal welfare are very important to us. Therefore, we have also been promoting organic cheese for more than 20 years. With a wide range of organic cheeses in sustainable packaging, we are also a trusted supplier for organic cheese.